Natural Living

To Optimize Your Wellness

An Easy To Follow Course to being

Our bodies have an amazing built-in detox system to help battle toxins. But the fact is, our environment is teeming with potentially harmful chemicals. They can be found almost everywhere, not to mention, what we put our bodies, on and in our bodies, and where we live. Altogether, it can be a lot for our systems to handle leading to hundreds of dollars spent on pills and doctors’ visit.

Evidence based medicine has proven taking stock of your toxic load – and reducing it as much as possible – can be a major step in improving your wellness. This easy-to-follow mini course will bring awareness around the toxins you may be exposed to, and help you reduce it wherever possible.

Do you,

  • Tired of rushing to the doctor’s office for every little thing?
  • Is your health beginning to take a toll on you?
  • Stop the downward cycle of disease?

This course is for YOU if you’re ready to…

  • Live life at your finest using natural and realistic "go-to" remedies.
  • Take control of your health and experience true wellness and vitality.
  • To have peace in your mind and body


I struggled with chronic inflammation in the form of joint and muscle pain due to what I was adversely or inadvertently placing in my body. I know firsthand, the cause and effect of chemicals in my body, home, and environment so I have am sharing these actionable and applicable strategies with you because they have reversed my chronic inflammation and conditions.


  • Instructive Videos
  • Natural Living Assessment and Evaluation.
  • Ebook to enhance learning from Videos.
  • Accountability Checklist.

Natural Living For Optimized Health & Wellness

Course Curriculum

Natural Living to Optimize Your Wellness will provide the information and inspiration you need to get control of your health so you can

You have access to this course for the lifetime of the course..


"Content reveals a passion for helping people live healthy and fit lifestyles without necessarily depending on medication. Highly informative and educative, Dr. Babs' group WhatsApp sessions are also clear, concise highly interactive, leaving people asking for more."
Moji Omibiyi Omisade
"Living At Your Finest is more than a health group to me. I could call it a home, as you get to share without fear of being judged and learn without restrictions or limitations. The learning phase for me created an opportunity for me to tap into the health field, expanded my horizon & inspired my curiosity. Thanks Doc Babs for the inspiration and knowledge. When it comes to health, having a guide can never be over emphasized."
Tolulope Bamidele Alade
"I would like to say thank you to Dr. Babs for the good work she’s doing and for all the encouragement we get from this finest approach. I set health goals over the years but have not been able to meet them consistently. I meet them and surpass them."
Mayokun Aladeniyi
"I love the topics you address Dr. Babs. You teach and educate us and you give ways to improve and do better to "Live our Finest." Thank you for all you do to help us improve!!"
Kim Harrison
"Great content and highly informative! There’s so much care taken to give information that is relevant, clear and consistent."
Omolola Adekeye
"Love the topics you discuss Dr.Babs. Teaches us to live life more mindfully. Thank you so much." 
Ronita Bhattacharya
"Very inspiring and educative."
Olabimpe Oladejo

Course Pricing

Natural Living to Optimize Your Wellness

$100 USD
Enrol Now


✔️I am a board-certified Family Physician, Wellness Strategist with background in Obesity and Lifestyle Medicine
✔️Founder of Living At Your Finest Company- Podcaster and YouTuber.
✔️Engaging Speaker for American Heart Association, Local and Regional Conferences and Church Organizations
✔️I am a wife, mother of 3, author of an inspirational book, an adventure seeker, and a community lover.


It starts as soon as you join! This is a self-paced, instant access, quickie online course, so all you have to do is sign up and you’ll get everything delivered straight to your inbox within about 15 minutes. So, you can start today! Or tomorrow! Or next week! Or next year!

The program material is yours to keep for LIFE! We'll keep it available on our website for at least one year from your date of purchase and you'll be able to download a copy of everything to your computer.You can access the course from any and all internet devices you own.

No. This course is only for the individual who purchases it. Sharing course login details or viewing it with others is a copyright violation.

This course doesn’t require any changes to your medications in order for you to be successful, however the implementation of a more holistic lifestyle may subsequently have the added indirect "side effect" of improving some chronic conditions. Continue to remain in communication and under the care of your trusted healthcare provider as you undergo this transformation, so that your treatment can be appropriately. transitioned/weaned off as necessary

Some supplements or other holistic treatments are mentioned throughout the course, but not required and you should always consult with your personal healthcare provider before adding a new supplement/vitamin to your daily regimen.

Results will vary for each person. Your commitment to following the guidelines and implementing the recommendations will determine your success. It's not uncommon for individuals to experience improvement in symptoms after implementation of these basic but powerful lifestyle changes. There are no guarantees when it comes to your health...but that is no reason not to try to have the best health possible. And I think you will be happy with the progress you make during the course.

Due to the digital nature of Your Online Mini-Course and the fact that you could possibly consume it in just a few, short hours—we typically do not offer refunds. However if you’re truly completely unsatisfied (which I strongly doubt) or you have some other extenuating circumstance, please reach out to customer service at and we will be happy to help.

Course Pricing

Natural Living to Optimize Your Wellness

$100 USD
Enrol Now